Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let's do this!

I am so very blessed to know some of the most wonderful people in the world. Doctors, lawyers, nutritionists, artists, bartenders, students, mothers, free-spirits... you name it. They are all different and beautiful in their own way. They all come from a wide range of backgrounds, ethnicities, and their ages vary from 20's to 80's. These women and men, who have astonished me with their grace and intelligence daily, shocked me when they came to me for advise. It was usually the other way around. When I began studying to become an Esthetician, they came out of the woodwork with one very common problem, considering their different backgrounds. They all have a problem with their skin. We, as a society, equate health and wellness with physical appearance. It's a fact. More often than not, we are our own very worst critics. You know what it's like to wake up in the morning, take that first look in the bathroom mirror, and want to crawl back into the black abyss of your cave-covers from Pottery Barn. Though that blemish on your chin is almost unnoticeable to the outside world, to you it's the size of Texas. Those fine lines and wrinkles seem as deep as the Grand Canyon. The freckles on your nose that were cute at age 8 have turned into a mass of hyper pigmentation SURE to send the masses a-runnin'! Well, my friends... before you start to sell your sideshow tickets, take a deep breath and relax. There is hope for all of us. Men and women, alike. 

Beautiful skin in harbored in one very important factor. The most important thing when dealing with skin is to remember that beautiful skin is HEALTHY skin, and visa versa. We look at our skin as an accessory, which is just fine, except we forget that first and for most it is an organ. It is a living, breathing part of our body. It is, in some ways, the most important body system we have because it is our shield. It's our armor. It protects us. 

I'll keep this short, as it's my first post, but it is important to remember that the #1way to treat any skin condition is to look at the health of your skin. This means many different things to many people. I'll tackle specific questions and issues down the road, but for now I have one piece of full-proof information, sure to help all types and conditions of skin. DRINK WATER!!! That's right. Drink water. It's free, it tastes good, and it's the BEST possible thing you can put in your body. Your skin will thank you. Trust me ;) My second recommendation is to click on the link below. Dermalogica is not just a product line, they are a post-graduate school dedicated to furthering the education of Estheticians in America (as right now Europe kicks our ass in all things dealing with Esthetics and Skin Therapy). I can tell you about products that are comparable to all their product suggestions if you are not able to afford their line. If I can't find one for you, I'll find someone who does. You are not in this alone!

Bring on your questions! Bring on your problems (we all have them, don't be embarrassed)! I look forward to helping however I can. 


Monday, May 21, 2012

Coming Soon!!!

Hello and Welcome!

This is just a little note to let you know that my website is coming soon. I look forward to sharing what I have learned, and what I will continue to learn as it pertains to the World of Esthetics. Subject matter will range from Skin Therapy and Nutrition, to Fashion, Wine, Music, Travel, Books, and Fitness. Yep, you get it all right here! If you have any questions as they relate to Esthetics, please feel free to contact me! If I don't have the answer, I will find someone who does. I welcome all questions, comments, challenges, and especially new ideas, so please do not be a stranger. Hope to see you soon!
