Thursday, June 21, 2012

Baby, it's HOT outside!!!

It's 9:00 am and it's 93 degrees Fahrenheit outside in beautiful, sunny Alexandria Virginia! Technically it's 87 degrees with a heat index of 93, but if they say it feels like 93 then that's what I go with. Who cares what the temperature actually is if it feels hotter? I never understood that. Anyway! Off my tangent!

If you check or your WeatherBug app on your iPhone, you will see little red 1's signifying that there is an alert. This alert will tell you that there is a heat advisory for the area today. I think the fact that it's 9:00 and we are already sweating through out dress shirts would be enough of an indication, but God love them for telling us to look out for it anyway! 

All jokes aside, with the temps projected at reaching well over 100 today, you need to take precaution to be sure you stay safe. The number one way you can help yourself is to drink water! Drink lots and lots and lots of water! It doesn't matter where you get it from. If there is water available, drink it! Paul and I use a Britta. It's inexpensive and it works. I also don't shy away from Alexandria's finest tap water. There is nothing wrong with drinking tap water in moderation. Your teeth are in desperate need of the fluoride they put in it and you can't forget about your chompers!!! 

Investing in a good BPA-free water bottle is a smart idea. Carry it with you! Be sure that wherever you go, it goes with you. You can get this Rubbermaid 32oz bottle at your grocery store for 6 dollars. Drink it all day and when it runs out, fill it up! Water is free and we are SO lucky for that! Take advantage!

I like to put lemon and mint in my water. Not only is it a fun and refreshing way to dress up your water, but it's super healthy and has some surprisingly wonderful side-effects! To see all the wonderful things drinking lemon water can do for you, click on the link below! One of them is weight loss, and you can't tell me that we all don't like to hear that.

I also enjoy adding mint to my water when it's sweltering outside! Try it out, I know you will love it! 

I have my water bottle in hand and I'm off to tackle the day! Everyone have a safe and COOL one today! 

Don't forget your sunscreen :)


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